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Expo notifications configuration guide

Expo notifications are already preconfigured in this template. However, you still have to provide some secrets and keys in order to use them across your applications that uses this template.

Expo Go doesn't require any additional configuration so you can check notifications by copying push token (from Settings screen) and test notifications (on RL device) on tool.

Usage in expo dev client (expo run:[android:ios])

  1. Make sure you have created your account in
  2. Sign in to your account using yarn run login (or expo login inside project directory).
  3. Follow platform specific configuration.


  1. Configure firebase to get google-services.json file - follow this guide.
  2. Make sure that you have changed your owner name in app.json.
  3. Put your google-services.json in a project directory and provide path to it in app.json in android section ex.:
"expo": {
"owner": "@binarapps",
"android": {
"googleServicesFile": "./path/to/google-services.json"
  1. Provide your experienceId in extra section in app.json typically it follows this scheme - @owner/slug ex.:
"expo": {
"owner": "@binarapps",
"slug": "expo-typescript-template",
"extra": {
"experienceid": "@binarapps/expo-typescript-template"
Make sure that you have provided your own secrets for those fields.


iOS notification credentials are automatically generated (paid apple developer account is required to make them working).

You can check this guide how to setup push notifications on iOS.

Extending expo-notifications config

If u need additional expo-notifications config follow this guide.