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Backend connection

This template uses this packages to keep connection with backend:

  • axios - direct calls to backend
  • react-query - use hooks that helps displaying data on UI
  • orval - generating query hooks based on swagger (provided by backend)

Generate new query

  1. Get swagger-spec.json - example:
  2. Replace it in ./scripts/data folder
  3. Run script yarn generate:query
  4. See the magic happens ✨

Description (in case of any changes)

  1. How orval works
  • When running script yarn generate:query underground there is a script yarn orval --config ./orval.config.ts
  • As you can see the config file is orval.config.ts, there are a lot options that we can modify, but the most important for us are:
    • target - where typescript types should be placed
    • schemas - where query hooks and moks should be placed
    • override-header - additionally turning off no-explicit-any eslint rule
    • mutator - where is api instance placed
    • afterAllFilesWrite - what should happened when the script will run - we are running liter with fix flag
  • Orval is very flexible and you can do a lot modifications, please check (their docs)[] for reference
  1. How to do changes to axios instance
  • Orval allows to use custom axios instance, but it needs to be created in specific way
  • To check how it's build please check src/services/api/custom-instance.ts file